Our simple platform solutions


Retrieve bank account details and loans across financial institutions, categorised transactions, and AI-generated data such as risk profiles on transactions.


Account Types

Bank accounts, credit cards, savings, loans, retail, insurance, medical and any other type of account.

Top Level Information

Account numbers, unique identifiers, categorised information


Balances, dates established, associated information, categorised information

Merchant Categorisation

Names, crowd-sourced information


Each transaction is cleaned and categorised (e.g., taxi, shopping, insurance, etc.), crowd-sourced and AI fraud detection.


Get figures on disposable income, trends, and category spending.

Use Cases

All-in-One Applications

You can use a single application to manage all your accounts, add multiple banks to your application, or provide new applications that consolidate all accounts.

Financial Applications

Applications with a view of all accounts, build holistic budgets, and track spending.

 Fraud Detection

You can rest easy with our robust transaction risk profiling, which alerts you to fraudulent transactions. We identify new, duplicate, or transactions to known suspect or reported accounts, ensuring your financial security.

Financial Management

With insights into current loans, such as reliable payments, help customers consolidate loans, offer cheaper or new loans and even gauge affordability.


Instantiate both instant and scheduled payments from connected accounts securely.

Payments between accounts and retail payments.



Initiate different types of payments automatically.


Initiate transfers between accounts at the same financial service provider.


As long as the FSP is connected to the platform, then different payment methods are consolidated and made available in a consistent format.

Instant Credit

Allow customers to apply for instant credit on online purchases.

Use Cases

All-in-One Applications

Initiate instant or scheduled payments between accounts, with visibility across accounts offering better control of payments.


Integrate payments into your online or on-premise applications directly from users’ accounts, even offer instant after-pay style loans or give users a wider variety of options to pay.


Instant credit checks enriched with account and transactional machine learning data analysis.

Income verification and AI-generated risk profiles to solidify confidence further.


Credit Checks

You can instantly approve customers for your different loan products.

Income Verification

Reliably and quickly determine customers’ suitability for different products.

Use Cases

Instant Loan Approvals

Leverage the platform to offer loans for anything, from small items to vehicles, homes, and businesses, without tedious forms and back-and-forth communication.


Use our transactional data analysis to determine suitability.


A wide range of anonymised financial data, including categorised transactional data, insurance data, etc.

With a unique response system, notifications allow users to see and accept engagement requests.

All anonymous, all secure.


Data Mining

Use data on how and how much customers pay for certain services, use the expanded function to gather more details on users of interest.


Use the OBSA interface to make direct offers to customers through the anonymised interface, once a customer consents then you’re ready to sign them up.

Use Cases

Direct Marketing

Present customers with precise offerings across supported industries, such as insurance, with users able to respond to these offers. All anonymous.

Data Mining

You can use the system’s information to understand better how your offerings compare to the market.